Congratulating Patricia Stotter

The beginning of a new year is ripe for reflecting on days past. In the past year, contributors and supporters of Military Experience and the Arts have accomplished many feats for bridging the military – civilian divide through arts and education.

One very noteworthy event is the award poetry contributor, Patricia Stotter received this past fall. Stotter, published her piece “Triggers” in our inaugural issue of Blue Streak: A Journal of Military Poetry. 

Along with Marcia Rock, she created the 2011 documentary Service: When Women Come Marching Home. This past fall, Stotter and Rock received a Silver Star award from The Volunteers of America of Illinois, who “recognize individuals who have distinguished themselves as real advocates of Veterans and/or members of the Military through either significant philanthropic activities or other personal acts of notable service.” Co-producers, Stotter and Rock were awarded by the VOA Illinois because, their “documentary highlighting the struggles women face after service resonates with our clients while drawing attention to the need for greater after-care services. We are especially appreciative of the film’s candor, which is why we are awarding you our Silver Star.” This award is much deserved and the documentary is worth watching if you have not yet seen it (it has aired on PBS). Also, the amazing BriGette McCoy is featured in the documentary; McCoy is a major supporter and contributor to MEA and runs her own organization Women Veteran Social Justice.

Congratulations to Stotter and Rock for their award!