Joe Miller’s Introduction to Blue Nostalgia Featured by University of Maine’s Khronikos

Joe MillerJoseph Miller served as a platoon leader, executive officer, and Iraqi Army Advisor before leaving active duty to become an ROTC instructor. In 2011, he was named Officer Instructor of the Year. Joseph is a regular contributor to PTSD: A Soldier’s Perspective and a member of Team Red, White and Blue. He recently defended his Master’s Thesis and is a PhD student at the University of Maine. His dissertation will explore institutions in North America that absorbed veterans following the War of 1812 and the Napoleonic Wars (The US Custom Service, British Veterans’ Battalions, and utopic French veterans’ colonies in Texas).

BN CoverAt MEA, Joe is the editor of Blue Nostalgia: A Journal of Post-Traumatic Growth, the literary journal of The Veterans’ PTSD Project which recently released its first volume. “On Nostalgia,” Joe’s introduction to the volume, was featured in part on Khronikos, a blog showcasing the accomplishments of history students at the University of Maine.

Read “New Narratives in an American Story of War and Growth” on the Khronikos blog here.