“Villanelle for the Lonely”

by Janet Jenkins-Stotts

(“Villanelle for the Lonely” mobile version)

It’s war; we know orders must be obeyed,
Again, our child cries as you load your gear.
Your loving presence in her life will fade.

Yes, your new cell phone does all that you say.
But, Skype-ing’s not like holding you so near.
It’s war; we know orders must be obeyed.

We know the fearful price our child has paid
For your service in worry and in fear.
Your loving presence in her life will fade.

Her grades will drop and teachers’ tempers fray.
In nightmares, your flag draped coffin appears.
It’s war; we know orders must be obeyed.

Her change to a one-parent family made.
Your absence, her habit, no daily tears.
Her mother’s presence in her life now fades.

Her acceptance, a blessing carefully weighed.
Her heart’s not a yo-yo, my warrior dear.
In war, must orders always be obeyed?
No more. Your presence permanently fades.