The Humble Dog

by Christopher Heatherly

for Adgar

The soldier’s best friend
Is not his rifle, or the man
At his side.

The soldier’s best friend
Is and ever shall be
The humble dog.

The dog is a noble beast,
Dignified, loyal, intelligent
But still possessing the wolf.

The dog and soldier pledge their lives
And love to each other
As one with the pack.

The dog and soldier share the burdens,
The privation, the fatigue, the mud
And the brotherhood of war.

The dog and soldier return home
Changed and hardened and with
An unbreakable bond.

The soldier, many years later,
Remembers his dog
And the bond they shared.
The soldier draws comfort
Knowing his dog patiently
Waits once again.

A dog’s best friend
Is and ever shall be
The soldier.



(Copyright 2015 Military Experience & the Arts, Inc.)