“Girl in the mirror/in your eyes”

by Katharina Breide

(“Girl in the mirror/in your eyes” mobile version)

Stars in my eyes but feet on the ground
Watch the sky fall while I catch your hand
And hold it tight,
In silence, without the slightest sound

Face of a dragon slayer
Marked by countless battles
Lets you discover a distinct beauty
Layer after layer

A mind that knows the war never ends
That there will be no rest
And that every single day
Will put body and mind to the test

Lips that kiss and curse,
Soothe and hurt
That form to say your name
Lips that rest motionless most of the time
Having learned tough lessons of glory and shame

Eyes that long for the light
But only see in the dark
That observe all the ships that have already sailed
And those I will never embark

Hair of the medusa
Wild and free
I keep it long
So I can weave it into eternity

Born in the former GDR in 1982 and very conscious of how unique and important the fall of the Berlin Wall was, Kat has used her freedom to travel and learn. She has always been curious and read everything that fell into her hands. While art was her first love, she soon also discovered how fascinating (national security) science is and has combined the two into a quite particular lifestyle. Kat has lived in many countries all over the world and is fluent in German, Spanish and French. While she is adding to her “Old Glory, New Faces” book series, she continues to work for the amazing scientists and staff at the US Department of Energy. In her spare time, she loves rewatching the Big Bang Theory and discovering former Manhattan Project sites. Kat considers herself a NOET, a nerdy Poet.