As You Were: The Military Review, Vol. 20

Spring 2024 ISSN: 2374-3816


WBLN” by Ali Watts

Hilton Adviivka” by Sándor Jászberényi

No More Tragic Kingdoms” by Chris McClelland

That Damned Dust” by Bob Ritchie


First” by Libby Gerdes

Short Time” by Richard D. Hudson

In the Dark, 1985” by Caroline Neal 

Ten Years, Eight Months, Five Days” by Catherine Smart

Winded Intimacy” by Gabrielle Nigmond

Fifty Dollars Dead” by Richard H. Smiley

FM Tuy Hoa” by Michael Staelens

One Day” by Brig Berthold

After Action Review” by Elvis Leighton


Fallujah” by Jerry Staub

Empire” by Carlin Keally

Stomp’n’Drag” by Jonathan Pessant

Clearing the Range” by Scott Ennis

On My Father’s Tinnitus” by Tad Tuleja

CH-47 OEF” by Earl Weigelt

Yankee Sensibilities” by Irene T. Winslow

Paean for Richard Wilson” by Benjamin Bellet

The Curtain I Have Drawn for You” by J.D. Isip

Sifting Sand through Our Toes with Military Friends on the Beach in Monterey,  California” by Brandi Zinnel

Who Amongst Us Can Judge” by Faye Srala

Hanging On” by Susan Shea

21 Words” by Philip Venzke

After the War” by Phil Carson

Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant: A Villanelle” by Ryan Hunke


(click on thumbnail for full view and the “i” icon for the full description)

David Ervin

Managing Editor – Nonfiction
Brian Mockenhaupt

Poetry Editor
Randy Brown

Associate Editors
Tammy Ortung
Beth Liecthi Johnson
Jerad Alexander
Jillian Danback-McGhan

Cover image by Tif Holmes