“Find Another Word for Guilt – Pride” | Michelle Cyr

Title: “Find Another Word for Guilt – Pride”
Artist: Michelle Cyr
Medium: oil on aluminum panel
Size: 18” x 20”
Artist Statement: I am passionate about finding the life lessons shown in people’s hands. My realistic oil paintings are larger than life. They showcase the hard work, pain, passion, and love of Everyday Legends.
When I was a young girl, an old woman came to live with us. She was dying. After school, I would race to her room so we could watch her favorite soap opera. I would know her for only a little over a year, but we had a unique and special bond. Many years after her death, when I was an adult, I was shocked to learn that she was my biological grandmother. Her beautiful hands showed me a love I would never be able to return, and inspired my current passion.
The worn hands that I paint hold more stories than can be written in words. It’s as if every wrinkle holds a secret, and every scar a lesson. Respectfully, through my art, I wish to show the beauty of this older generation, almost gone, through their hands.

Bio: Michelle Cyr is an emerging artist with a summer studio in Ladysmith, Wisconsin and winter studio in Fulton, Texas. Born in Connecticut and having a love for creating art, attended Western Connecticut State University in pursuit of a degree in Graphic Arts. It is in Connecticut that formidable relationships were formed that strongly influence her work today.
Cyr has run two businesses that lead her to her true calling the fine arts. These businesses were sold and are still running today. Cyr’s entrepreneurial skills and discipline and dedication are key components in her current art business.
Her work is placed in private collections around the USA.