by Paul David Adkins The commander rotated fresh lieutenants to a rocket-magnet FOB to get their feet wet. There, they earned their Combat Action Badges. Incoming rounds impacted one thousand meters outside the sand-bagged perimeter. He retrieved his officers from the bush the next week, a little singed. Napoleon claimed, I could conquer the world The commander decided the risk was low though he lost one soldier to “a lucky shot.” She received a Purple Heart, Bronze Star Medal, spangled shroud, free, dark flight to Dover. if only I had enough ribbon. The unit lined an airfield road to salute her Humvee hearse enroute to the helipad. The bayonets of their new black CABs pointed like gag direction signs nailed to a post in the center of camp: Chicago 6416 Miles. Seattle 10921 Kilometers. Baghdad You’re Soaking In It.