The Journal of Military Experience, Vol. 3

JME LogoJME LogoThe Journal of Military Experience | ISSN: 2169-0456

The Journal of Military Experience‘s third volume features 12 works of non-fiction, two edited collections of artwork by 23 artists, and research by four scholars interested in helping readers better understand military communities past and present. Continuing with the JME‘s unique brand of one-on-one consultation and collaborative writing, editor Brian Mockenhaupt’s non-fiction prose section represents eras of service spanning from WW2 to Afghanistan. Though predominantly comprised of works about war and active service, the non-fiction section also features the perspectives of military family members who’ve sacrificed on the homefront as well as those who’ve attempted to help service men and women adjust after coming home. Clayton D. Murwin, the graphic artist and founder of Heroes Fallen Studios, created original works of art to accompany each prose piece, demonstrating through his chosen medium just one way in which non-veterans can use this volume to better understand military experience. Eric Hodges’s scholarship section explores topics ranging from anthropomorphism in “The Rifleman’s Creed,” to psychosocial considerations of veterans coming home from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, to religiosity in WW2, and one scholar’s attempt to better understand his grandfather through archival research and historical contextualization. Dr. Tara Leigh Tappert’s art section includes work from veteran artists located throughout the world, including those actively engaged in growing veteran arts movements like Combat Paper and the Warrior Art Group. Tappert’s “Call and Response” situates those works thematically and aesthetically while “In War: An Exhibition by Members of Warrior Art Group” brings a regional exhibition to a worldwide audience.

Download this volume as a PDF here.

View non-fiction works individually through the Eastern Kentucky University Library here.

View scholarly works individually through the Eastern Kentucky University Library here.

View the JME art section individually through the Eastern Kentucky University Library here.

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